Larry Hoekstra
Our Pastor is Larry Hoekstra. He is 69 years old and he graduated from World Evangelism Fellowship in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1991. He pastored a church in east Texas and then lived in Madison, WI for a couple of years before being called by God to Osseo to begin a new work. That was about 28 years ago. Now God has an established Church that strictly adheres to His Word in Osseo, WI.
We are a family church.
Not only do a few of our family members attend Osseo Community Church but many that attend Community we consider to be family. We are a loving church but our greatest desire is to love the souls of all who enter in and do all we can, with the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, to prepare each person for eternity. Pastor Hoekstra cares where you spend eternity. This is his most important endeavor in life. He is no more willing that any should perish than God is.